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Water Data and Formulas

1 gallon water = 231 cubic inches = 8.333 pounds

1 pound of water = 27.7 cubic inches

1 cubic foot water = 7.5 gallons = 62.5 pounds (salt water weighs approximately 64.3 pounds per cubic foot)

Pounds per square inch at bottom of a column of water = height of column in feet x .434

1 miner's inch = 9 to 12 gallons per minute

Horsepower to Raise Water
If pumping liquid other than water, multiply the gallons per minute below by the liquids specific gravity

gallons per minute x total head in feet

Gallons Per Minute through a Pipe
GPM = .0408 x pipe diameter inches2 x feet/minute water velocity

Weight of Water in a Pipe
Pounds water = pipe length feet x pipe diameter inches2 x .34

 Gallons per Minute Discharge for a Given Nominal
Pipe Diameter (inches) 
5 68 1012
 5   163   ---  ---  ---  --- 
 6   195   285   ---  ---  --- 
 7   228   334   580   ---  --- 
 8   260   380   665   1060   --- 
 9   293   430   750   1190   1660  
 10   326   476   830   1330   1850  
 11   360   525   915   1460   2020  
 12   390   570   1000   1600   2220  
 13   425   620   1080   1730   2400  
 14   456   670   1160   1860   2590  
 15   490   710   1250   2000   2780  
 16   520   760   1330   2120   2960  
 17   550   810   1410   2260   3140  
 18   590   860   1500   2390   3330  
 19   620   910   1580   2520   3500  
 20   650   950   1660   2660   3700  
 21   685   1000   1750   2800   3890  
 22   720   1050   1830   2920   4060  
 23   750   1100   1910   3060   4250  
 24   ---  1140   2000   3200   4440